Motorcycle Guide to Bonaventure



Part Ten | Motorcycle Guide to Bonaventure

Ultimate Ride Episode 10

So this season during our annual fall ride .. we’re in the province of Quebec exploring the scenic Gaspé Peninsula.. with our ultimate goal to reach the town of Gaspe and it’s famous Percé Rock located about 650  kilometres North East of Quebec City where we started this adventure.. After a 3 days of solid riding on a pair of K1600GT’s .. we spent the final evening of this adventure in the town of Gaspe proper. Now on the final morning of our trip .. with only a couple of hours left before catching a flight back towards home…we decide to squeeze one last photo op in .. by making a quick 80 click dash out to the famous Percé Rock. A spirited ride that made this last dash well worth it.


Well Norm here we are 8:30 AM of day four of our ultimate ride and you insisted that we get up early this morning and push hard because you wanted to wanted to see a rock?


Absolutely.  We decided we wanted to eventually finish last night in Gaspé and as we were sitting there and looking at the map to see where we had gone I said it’s only eighty kilometers down the road and we’ve got to get to the place where everybody comes for a picture.


Right right so this is Roche Percé…


Right: Great Rock.


It’s fantastic.


Very cool, yeah.


It was certainly worth the ride, that’s for sure.


Um and we got up this morning in the commandant hotel in Gaspé.  It was three degrees, wet roads but it was really just a fantastic hour ride out here.


Yeah and typical to what we’ve been seeing here, as you’re riding a long the coasts  every now and again they’ll shoot you inland and you end up on this roller coaster road which was absolutely just beautiful to ride.


Yeah.  So the road itself, we took the one thirty-two and for the most part we were following the coast and uh it was sort of wide sweepers and then the last ten K into here… another roller coaster.


Great fun, exactly.


Yeah now tell me about this… so we’ve got the Percé Rock and we’ve also got Bonaventure.  What’s the deal with Bonaventure.


Bonaventure Island was expropriated… was purchased by the province of Quebec government in 1971 and they kicked everybody off the island and now apparently it’s one of the world’s largest bird sanctualries.  So if you’re a bird fanatic… another thing to do while you’re out here.


And if you’re into photography it’s just a classic shot.


Yeah, beautiful here.


So this really is the birthplace of Canada.  We’re talking about over three hundred years of history here and the town itself is just full of little motels and restaurants and clearly this is the  payoff at the end of the day?


Yeah, absolutely yeah, if this is one of your destination points, but again, if this is on the whole route that if you’re going to circle the whole peninsula you’re obviously going to go by this for sure so…


Yeah. So he sun has come out, we’ve hit five degrees, we’ve got a couple of more hours to go before we hit the airport…what do you think, we’ll go out and explore the town a little bit?


Explore that town and ride that coast again.


Well man, it was certainly worth getting up this morning for this.


Good stuff.


I’m glad you pushed us. Another Ultimate Ride.


Gaspe is one place, as a motorcyclist you want to see, it’s a motorcycle mecca, it’s all about the ride. There’s a lot of history here as well but this one is all about the ride. You’re on the coast of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, you’re on the coast of Baie des Chaleur. You can go in and out of the Gaspe peninsula on these various roads and you’re going to get changing scenery continuously so it’s a real cool place to go as a Motorcyclist.


Over the twelve part article Dave Hatch talks to Harley-Davidson about how to shop and fit a bike, get the right gear, suit up for the season and pick the right accessories for your ride. These riding tips will keep you safe and prepared but more than anything get the most out of your ride.


Season 26’s “Winging It” was all about the art of touring and celebration of Honda’s iconic touring machine the Gold Wing’s 40th anniversiry. Ken Edick a veteran touring biker and owner of a Honda Gold Wing shares his best tips on touring. The tips include everything from the proper riding gear to take along on a long tour, the equipment, the additional tools and things to take along just to make sure that you keep moving and enjoying your experience.

Test Your Motorcycle Riding Skills

Recently we’ve been working on improving the riding skills of Anthony Mann by putting him through a series of motorcycle riding skills exercises designed by Matt Fletcher at Yamaha Motor Canada. Matt had hoped this friendly little challenge would show us all how we can become better riders when we practice our sport.  All you need is some open pavement like an empty parking lot and a couple of make shift cones or pylons.


The mission of the TELUS Ride For Dad is to raise funds to save men’s lives by supporting prostate cancer research and raising public awareness of the disease. Our goal is for men to continue to be there for their families and friends for years to come. The parade of vehicles grabs the attention of the masses and the media on ride day, the research helps find hope for the future and the awareness has the potential of saving men’s lives today.